height 341023 | market cap 100,301 VEO
Holders | Governance Oracles | Question Oracles
Pubkey, height or TXID:

Oracle Data g+xdp+CO5PqA9Nz7FfdBLEjf4NEcA7v1FGTiruJnP8o=

Created in block:63509
Created at:29.04.2019 13:51:50
Closeable at height:69535
Closed at:69535
Question:An Amoveo Meetup to be held on May 17th, 2019 in Moscow. At least 10 attendees to prove that the event happened by posting photos from the event to social networks with a hashtag #AmoveoDAC. Did it happen?
VEO unmatched:1.00000000


# Height Type From Amount State
1 63509 oracle_new BJFezXAXq9hIZBtL7OnHubW/Cfchrz
2 68237 oracle_bet BHVfQWRx7I1xmlWw5KJ7l9ijq4tcob 1.00000000 true
3 69535 oracle_close BOJX7jPXl9D91OZ7xl78lIAYi/iXbx 0
4 161033 multi_tx_spend BC80oG/EAXojuLCjIjQmIQgTv9wHsc 0
5 161068 multi_tx_spend BC80oG/EAXojuLCjIjQmIQgTv9wHsc 0