height 315514 | market cap 97,132 VEO
Holders | Governance Oracles | Question Oracles
Pubkey, height or TXID:

Oracle Data JeYvXdW4ttPnAnKv4diIDIvgMb4UUWJ5Bg0DMx8OQEQ=

Created in block:62905
Created at:25.04.2019 01:52:40
Closeable at height:71866
Closed at:70867
Question:P = the price of USD in VEO on qtrade.io from 0 to 0.03 on May 24, 2019, at 12:00 Noon GMT; return P * 1024 / 0.03 bit number 8
State:bad question
VEO unmatched:0.04420500


# Height Type From Amount State
1 62905 oracle_new BCjdlkTKyFh7BBx4grLUGFJCedmzo4
2 68915 oracle_bet BF3rw/kC3c5UJ6Lfr/uKxGgDT4mbIH 0.02210248 false
3 69609 oracle_bet BF3rw/kC3c5UJ6Lfr/uKxGgDT4mbIH 0.02210248 true
4 70867 oracle_close BF3rw/kC3c5UJ6Lfr/uKxGgDT4mbIH 0
5 70867 oracle_winnings BF3rw/kC3c5UJ6Lfr/uKxGgDT4mbIH 0
6 151095 unmatched BCjdlkTKyFh7BBx4grLUGFJCedmzo4 0