height 341026 | market cap 100,302 VEO
Holders | Governance Oracles | Question Oracles
Pubkey, height or TXID:

Oracle Data FLqe3eBf86b/1+nyN0cSdrc2HUCfbnUBQTBW6xjACeM=

Created in block:65018
Created at:10.05.2019 17:19:11
Closeable at height:69913
Closed at:68914
Question:What will be the USD price of VEO on May 22nd, 2019 at midnight UTC. most significant is bit 0. this is bit number: 1
State:bad question
VEO unmatched:0


# Height Type From Amount State
1 65018 oracle_new BKSYQw/88NOUfwBhyXwVuKymkQxZNx
2 68914 oracle_close BF3rw/kC3c5UJ6Lfr/uKxGgDT4mbIH 0