height 313961 | market cap 96,938 VEO
Holders | Governance Oracles | Question Oracles
Pubkey, height or TXID:

Oracle Data jC9ecdHld5roi19Pz7kqpcKPXv1ODvAoBj/D3lA7Ci4=

Created in block:70481
Created at:20.06.2019 07:23:03
Closeable at height:160587
Closed at:0
Question:if the block reward is above 0.23 return 'bad', else return the price of USD in VEO from 0 to 0.3 on 5 July at noon GMT bit number 8
State:bad question
VEO unmatched:0


# Height Type From Amount State
1 70481 oracle_new BDRzq8WiCYA+Pldfy/rUhykuJP3AC1
2 159588 multi_tx_spend BC80oG/EAXojuLCjIjQmIQgTv9wHsc 0
3 172672 multi_tx_spend BC80oG/EAXojuLCjIjQmIQgTv9wHsc 0