height 307541 | market cap 96,140 VEO
Holders | Governance Oracles | Question Oracles
Pubkey, height or TXID:

Oracle Data GK8+nlXOcI9xlcxYkyFUMTI5YQJ62xqahJOshpTGSo4=

Created in block:84181
Created at:29.09.2019 15:20:49
Closeable at height:160591
Closed at:0
Question:btc price source: Close price on https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/historical-data/; ending date: Sep 28, 2019; starting date: Sep 21, 2019; fB = ending number of usd per btc; sB = starting number of usd per btc; if (fB/sB-1) < -20%, return true. else, return false
State:bad question
VEO unmatched:0


# Height Type From Amount State
1 84181 oracle_new BFD1dYbhVe8vEzCmtu/70m+lPKXzDo
2 159592 multi_tx_spend BC80oG/EAXojuLCjIjQmIQgTv9wHsc 0
3 172672 multi_tx_spend BC80oG/EAXojuLCjIjQmIQgTv9wHsc 0